How The Story Of Easter Isn’t Just A Jesus Story But OUR Story, YOUR Story
Growing up in Iceland, Easter was the most prominent holiday after Christmas. My family was not very religious nor attended the Easter celebration as done in the Lutheran state church. Celebrating Easter is just what everyone does as part of the culture, regardless of their devotion to the church or lack thereof.
Easter was a holiday from school and work for my family, grandparents visited for a few days, and the extended family came together for Easter meals and togetherness. And let’s not forget the Icelandic chocolate Easter eggs filled with goodies and a wisdom quote. The story of Jesus and his resurrection was in the background.
But today, the story of Jesus is being brought back to life for me by Simone Wright, the author, artist, and modern mystic.
Simone claims that the story of Easter isn’t just the story of Jesus.
It’s OUR story.
YOUR story.
If explored from a metaphysical perspective, it’s waking us ALL up to navigate our higher levels of consciousness on our journey to REMEMBER and RESURRECT our true nature and access our hidden power — our TRUE POWER.
Here Jesus is our guide, our role model, our teacher, and our conscious leader. He did the inner work required to live and lead from the Higher Mind or the Infinite Intelligence, often referred to as the Christ Mind, where Father and Son are one.
Can you see yourself as one with the Father?
That’s who you truly are and waking up to that hidden power is the journey you are on.
That’s what the world needs right now. You stepping into your TRUE POWER!
Recently I heard, my friend and colleague, Mark Samuel, best-selling author and founder of IMPAQ Corporation, ask a question on his Conscious Business podcast that piqued my interest. Mark asked, “What do people do, or where do they go to get some peace and rest from the endless violent bombardment of the external world?” We all need to grapple with this question to keep our sanity.
Mark’s podcast guest advised that the only place to go is inward.
That brings me back to Jesus with his outstretched hand of compassion.
We have been brought up and conditioned in the physical world (3D world), to compete, push, and fight for our wants and needs, and success, often at any cost. We get trained in all kinds of competencies and skills. But nowhere in the educational system are we taught how to grow our inner garden, so we get better equipped to deal with the external world with more peace and more ease.
The story of Jesus, and OUR story, too, reminds us to follow in his footsteps. When we start taking responsibility for our untamed mind, volatile, undisciplined emotions, and disconnection from Spirit, we are weeding our garden of limiting beliefs and concepts, examining and upgrading our story, and expanding our mindset. We become aware of patterns of habitual routines that need to go. We begin to awaken and REMEMBER who we are and why we are here.
Now we start gaining access to CLARITY and POWER of a higher level of mind. That soul/source life force helps us create and manifest from this higher level of consciousness.
That’s your TRUE POWER!
As always, stay sane, stay calm, and stay peaceful.
Happy Easter! Gleðilega Páska!